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Spascape Meditations

Meditations in Spascape are aimed at helping you to relax all while you improve self-confidence and self-esteem, as you gain the most out of your spa experiences.

On the Spascape Meditations screen you can choose from an assortment of meditations aimed at helping you create a more immersive and tranquil spa experience that invigorates well-being and boosts confidence.

Upon entry to the Spascape Meditations screen you can choose from a collection of music aimed at helping you create a more positive and relaxing experience while you explore Spascape. 

Track Player

Once you choose your selected meditation on the Spascape Meditations screen you can play and listen to the track. You have the option of pressing the arrow buttons to fast forward or rewind the track by 10 seconds to ease your listening experience. You may also minimize the player to listen to a meditation while you explore Spascape. 

Keywords and Favorites

You may also sort meditations by topic by selecting a keyword on the menu at the top of the screen. You may choose your favorite tracks by selecting the “favorites” heart button on the track, and then clicking the “heart” 

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