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Explore RenewMe

Welcome to Your Journey to Balance

Upon downloading RenewMe you can sign up and create an account through various social media platforms or with your email address. At the bottom of this screen is a link to our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Health Disclaimer, and Chat Disclaimer. These should be reviewed before continuing.

You will then be taken to a Subscription screen where you are prompted to subscribe to RenewMe or enter a corporate code. A corporate sales code offers subscribers of partnered brands premium access to RenewMe, Soulscape, and/or Spascape.

Payments are all done through Apple Pay.

After you have secured a subscription, you will be taken to a Survey page. As part of RenewMe’s research to help better serve its users, you will be prompted to complete a survey on how you discovered our app.

Welcome Page​

Following the survey, the Welcome Page will pop up. Congratulations! You are now an official member of RenewMe! If you signed up with a corporate code, your welcome page may feature a corporate logo from one of our brand partners.

You may see a RenewMe Select Brands pop up window. RenewMe features select partners supporting our mission of balance and we encourage subscribers to shop with these brands.

Also, if you have signed up with a corporate code, you will receive a prompt with a Promo discount code that you can use to subscribe following completion of your free trial.

Begin Your Journey

Login to Your Account

When you start up the app, you will see a decorative Splash screen with the RenewMe logo, followed by the Log into your RenewMe account screen.

Registered users can log in through their e-mail or through Facebook, Apple or Google.

Following a successful log in, you will be taken to the Home Page.

Home Page​

RenewMe’s Home Page is where you start each of your daily journeys to balance. It is your main access point where you can see Pep Talks, Affirmations, take a balance test, play music and access a menu of resources.

New users are prompted to do a goals assessment and take a balance test, which will lead you to the balance results page.

Motivations and Goals Page

On this page you will be asked what your goals and motivations are so that RenewMe can gain knowledge on how to help you be your best and most balanced self.

Balance Test

After answering what areas you are most interested in improving, the app will direct you to a Balance Test. Here the app measures your levels of life balance based on the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Space as they relate to different aspects of well-being.

Life Balance Results

After taking the Balance Test, RenewMe app will lead you to a balance test results page which will reveal to you your strongest element and weakest element at this time, along with areas where you may need to work on improving in order to gain more life balance. By clicking on the “X” on the top right corner of this screen, you will return to the Home Page.

Note: The Balance Test can be re-taken at any time by going to the Home Page.

RenewMe Home

On your home page you can select music, see your meditation streak, access your Daily RenewMe, Daily Pep Talk, See Affirmations, retake the Balance Test, see your strongest and weakest elements, access balance test results and learn more information about your strongest and weakest elements.

Daily RenewMe and Meditation Streak

RenewMe will choose a unique track for you daily to help you strengthen the area of your weakest element. For instance if you are lacking in Fire, which symbolizes passion and motivation in your life, the audio track will help you begin to create the mindset that will you boost motivation. Once you listen to the track the day you listen will turn orange on the Meditation Streak, so that you can keep track of your unique listens

Daily Pep Talks and Opting-In and Out

You can click on the link to access a list of your Daily Pep Talk, if you have missed or turned off notifications on your phone for Pep Talks which you appear twice a week.

You can click on the notification to open up the Pep Talk screen, or you can opt out of Pep Talks notifications by going to your settings and disabling the daily reminders. Likewise, if you want to enable Pep Talks you can also do this in the settings.

RenewMe Meditate

The Meditate Page is your access to all our extensive library of audio tracks on a variety of topics narrated by Dr. Lisa Palmer. Topics include but are not limited to living a more balanced life, confidence, self-esteem, body image, motivation, happiness, relationships, wellness, the successful mindset, and skillful thinking and skillful living.

The RenewMe Meditate is our extensive library of meditations and audio tracks on a variety of topics narrated by our founder, Dr. Lisa Palmer. Topics include but are not limited to living a more balanced life, confidence, self-esteem, body image, motivation, happiness, relationships, wellness, the successful mindset, and skillful thinking and skillful living.

Choose a Track to Play

On the RenewMe Meditate screen you can choose from an assortment of albums. When you click on an album you will be lead to a list of tracks in that album, and can “preview” the track by clicking on the “preview” tab located above the track list. You may also listen to designed tracks for free, or see which tracks are premium. To listen to a premium track to will be invited to subscribe to become a premium member, if you do not currently have premium access.

Track Player

By clicking on the selected track on the RenewMe Album screen you can then play and listen to the track. You have the option of pressing the arrow buttons to fast forward or rewind the track by 10 seconds to ease your listening experience, as well as minimize the track player so that you can listen to the track while you continue to scroll through RenewMe.

Keywords and Favorites

You may also sort tracks by topic by selecting one of the keywords on the menu at the top of the screen. You can tag your favorite tracks by selecting the favorites button on the track, and clicking on the heart at the top of the menu for a list of your favorites.

Coping Elements Page

The coping skills page will show the different balance elements. From here you can click on your weakest element. You may also click on other elements to explore what coping skills are related to those elements.

Coping Skills Page

The coping skills list page will show the characteristics of that specific element and list some specific coping skills you can do to enhance that element in your life for a sense of more balance. By clicking the back button you can return to the “Coping Elements Page” and from there you can access other areas of the app.

Goals, Badges, Sparkle Moments Pages – Rules

Track your daily, weekly, and monthly goals and progress. You can track your total Goals, Badges, and Sparkles lit in turquoise at the top of the Daily Goals Page, Weekly Badges Page, and Monthly Sparkles Page. Counter resets on the 1st of each month. Your total counts will not be reset.

  • You can only click once on each goal per day on the Daily Goals Page.
  • Every time you click on a daily goal, you will get 1 badge for that goal.
  • Upon achieving 7 badges for a goal, you will receive 1 Sparkle Moment.
  • (So, if you click on “I nurtured myself” 7 times in a week, you will receive 7 badges and 1 sparkle).

Daily Goals Page

You will be prompted to select which of the daily goals you have achieved by clicking and lighting up the daily goals. You may one click each goal listed once per day.

Weekly Badges Page

The weekly badges page displays how many badges you have achieved this month for each goal. You are allowed a max of 7 badges per week per goal.

Monthly Sparkles Page

This page shows you the number of sparkles you have achieved per goal. Once you achieve 7 badges per goal, you will receive 1 sparkle moment. You can achieve up to 4 sparkle moments a month. The Monthly Sparkles Page will show your number of sparkles for the month

Spotlights Pages

Features information and videos from experts regarding health, wellness, and leading a more balanced and motivated life.

Fitness Pages

Shares with you mini-workouts on the go between CEO of RenewMe and media personality, Dr. Lisa Palmer and Celebrity Trainer Angelo Frasier.

Profile Page

On the profile page you will be able to access a treatment finder and resource links, review the app, help and support, more about RenewMe, and manage your subscription and account settings, and invite friends to RenewMe.

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