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Goals & Badges

After clicking on the Goals Icon on the bottom of the RenewMe Home menu, you will be led to RenewMe Goals, where you can track daily goals, weekly badges, and monthly sparkles. You can see the total of Goals, Badges, and Sparkles you have earned for the month at the tabs on the top of the page. Clicking on the tabs will take you to the respective pages. RenewMe rewards you with Sparkle Cards and inspiring Wisdom Cards, as you track small but significant steps on your path to greater life balance.

Daily Goals

On this screen you will be prompted to select each daily goal you have achieved. As you click on each goal it will light up. You may one-click each goal listed only once per day. 

Weekly Badges

Click on the “Badges Button” at the top of the screen to go to the Weekly Badges screen. The “bubble” tab shows how many total badges you have achieved this month. You can also see how many badges you have achieved for the week under each goal. 3 badges earned per week for a goal earns a Sparkle.

Monthly Sparkles

Click on the “Sparkles Button” at the top of the screen to go to the Monthly Sparkles screen. The “bubble” tab shows how many badges you have achieved this month. The Monthly Sparkles screen will also shows how many sparkles you have achieved next to each goal. When you achieve 6 Sparkles, you will receive a Sparkle Card and Wisdom.

Note: The counter resets on the 1st of every month.**

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