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RenewMe Chat App

To access RenewMe Chat go to your profile icon in top left corner to your Profile Page. Select “RenewMe Chat”. On the RenewMe Chat Home Page view a selection of wellness influencers with whom you can chat. If you have used Chats before, then the list of influencers will be arranged to reflect your Chat history, with the most recent person/chat on top of the list.

By selecting a particular person, you will be taken to their screen. Each chat session costs a certain amount of money per minute, depending on the Influencer.

By pressing the “Chat Now” button at the bottom of the screen you will be connected to the Influencer Chat Connect Screen if they are available (this can take up to 60 seconds).

If you have never chatted before, or you are out of chat credits, you will be taken to the Chat Refill Screen, where you can view you Refill Balance and make an In-App Purchase through Apple for more credits to chat with the Influencer.

One you have sufficient credits, and if the Influencer is available to chat, then the Chat Messenger Screen will appear, and you can chat with your desired Influencer in the same way you would text with anyone else on Apple Messenger.

You may access your “Wallet” to review information about your RenewMe Chat account by clicking on the Wallet Icon at the bottom of the RenewMe Chat Menu, or by going to your RenewMe Chat Profile page by clicking on the Profile Icon on the bottom of the RenewMe Chat Home Page.

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