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RenewMe Meditate

The RenewMe Meditate screen is your access to all our extensive library of audio and video tracks for a variety of topics. Topics include but are not limited to living a more balanced life, confidence, self-esteem, body image, motivation, happiness, relationships, wellness, the successful mindset, and skillful thinking and skillful living.

RenewMe Meditations

Meditations in RenewMe are aimed at helping you to relax all while you improve self-confidence and self-esteem to help you lead a more balanced life.  

You can choose from an assortment of meditations and skillful living tracks aimed at helping you develop strength from within to create a more relaxing and productive existence.

Track Player

By clicking on the selected track on the RenewMe Meditation screen you can then play and listen. You have the option of pressing the arrow buttons to fast forward or rewind the track by 10 seconds to ease your listening experience, as well as minimize the track player so that you can listen while you scroll through RenewMe.

Keywords and Favorites

You may also sort meditations by topic by selecting one of the keywords on the menu at the top of the screen. You can select your favorite tracks by selecting the “favorites heart button” on the track and clicking on the heart at the top of the menu for a list of your favorite tracks.


Features information and videos from inspiring experts in the areas of health and wellness to help you lead a more balanced and motivated life.

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