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Subscription Pricing

Lifetime of Your Purchase

The RenewMe Premium Subscription Plan is $99.99 for 2 years, billed every two years on the second anniversary date of the subscription purchase. The plan automatically renews. If you decide to cancel, you must do so before the second anniversary of your subscription purchase.

A Monthly Subscription Plan is $12.99 monthly, billed monthly. The plan automatically renews after one month. To cancel, you must do so prior to the beginning of the next monthly billing cycle.

A Yearly Subscription Plan is $59.99 yearly, billed each year on the anniversary of your subscription purchase. The plan automatically renews after one year. In the event you want to cancel, you must do so before the one-year anniversary of your purchase.

RenewMe members will not have access to Soulscape and Spascape, once their corporate codes giving access to Soulscape and Spascape have expired.

Payments are done via Apple Pay in the Apple Store.

Note: We cannot refund subscription purchases made via Apple. Please visit our link on Refunds on Subscriptions.

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